PRP Hair Restoration

PRP Hair Restoration For Plover, Neenah, Appleton, Green Bay, And The Fox Valley

Unlock your best hair using the power of your body’s natural response and self-healing! At The Center for Aesthetics and Plastic Surgery in Neenah,  Plover, and the entire Fox Valley, we offer an innovative solution: PRP hair restoration treatment. This transformative cutting-edge therapy utilizes your own blood platelets to stimulate hair growth, helping individuals with thinning hair achieve a fuller and healthier head of hair safely and naturally.  


What is a PRP Hair Restoration Treatment?

PRP treatments supply natural proteins, cytokines, stem cells, and other bioactive growth factors to the treated areas. These growth factors, found in platelet-rich plasma, have the potential to reverse hair loss and stimulate new hair growth.  

How Does PRP Hair Restoration Work?

PRP therapy involves drawing a small amount of blood, like that needed for a basic lab test. The blood is then placed in a sterile tube and spun in a centrifuge to separate its components. The red and white blood cells are divided from a high concentration of platelets and the clear plasma fluid. The PRP, containing platelets, is injected into the patient’s scalp to reach the subdermal space where the hair follicle bulb resides. The platelets in PRP can potentially stimulate the growth of hair follicles by activating stem cells and other cells in the hair follicle’s microenvironment. The plasma with high concentrations of platelets aids in promoting hair growth by prolonging the hair cycle’s growth phase and increasing hair thickness. This stimulation of the hair follicle assists in cell and wound healing, collagen production, and hair regrowth while inhibiting further shedding. The primary goal of using PRP in hair restoration is to prompt inactive hair follicles to enter an active growth phase. 

Benefits of PRP Hair Restoration

PRP hair restoration is a popular choice due to its simplicity and numerous benefits. It contains essential proteins that stimulate natural hair growth and slow down hair loss. PRP is non-surgical, minimally invasive, with little to no risk of reaction. It effectively stimulates hair follicle growth, reduces miniaturization, and works for both men and women. The results are subtle and natural. 

Before, During, and After

What to Expect Before a PRP Hair Restoration Treatment 

Before treatment, our team of experienced practitioners will provide you with a personalized skin care regimen designed to enhance your overall results. Our skilled and dedicated practitioners in Neenah and Plover will work closely with you to create a tailored plan that perfectly aligns with your unique needs and helps you achieve your desired aesthetic goals. 

What to Expect During a PRP Hair Restoration Treatment 

PRP treatment begins with the application of a local anesthetic to ensure comfort and numb the treatment area. While waiting for it to take effect, a blood sample is collected and placed in a centrifuge to isolate and activate the PRP and necessary growth factors. Once separated, the platelet-rich plasma is carefully injected just below the scalp’s surface using a fine-gauge needle. The injections follow a precise pattern, focusing on the areas of severe hair loss. A typical procedure usually takes between 60 and 90 minutes. 

What to Expect After a PRP Hair Restoration Treatment 

After a treatment, it is normal for your scalp to feel slightly numb. However, this sensation should subside on its own within a few hours, allowing you to freely resume your normal activities. 

The PRP Hair Restoration Procedure 


At your consultation we will furnish you with a customized skincare regimen aimed at optimizing your overall outcomes. Our adept and devoted practitioners will collaborate closely with you to devise a plan that will ensure you receive the results you desire. 


To prepare for a PRP hair restoration session, follow these guidelines: 

 – Avoid consuming any blood-thinning medications, supplements, or herbs for at least one week before the procedure. 

 – On the day of the session, refrain from applying hair dyes or styling products. 

 – Cleanse your hair on the evening before the session. 

Blood Collection 

PRP therapy involves drawing a small amount of blood, like that needed for a basic lab test. The blood is then placed in a sterile tube. 

Blood Processing 

The blood sample is processed in a centrifuge to separate and stimulate the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) with the essential growth factors. 

PRP Extraction 

Platelet-rich plasma or PRP is a highly-concentrated form of blood plasma that is extracted from a patient’s own blood. To obtain PRP,  a small amount of blood is drawn from the patient and then processed through a centrifuge machine to separate the blood components.  

Anesthesia (Optional) 

The PRP treatment commences with the administration of a local anesthetic, ensuring utmost comfort and subsequently numbing the designated treatment area. 

Microneedling or Injections 

PRP has been used in combination with microneedling or injections to help stimulate collagen production and improve the overall appearance of the skin. By utilizing your body’s healing mechanisms, PRP can help speed up the recovery process and provide a radiant, healthy glow.  

Rest and Recovery 

After the procedure, patients can usually resume their regular activities without delay. Refrain from engaging in strenuous activities or excessive sweating for a minimum of 48 hours after treatment. This precaution ensures adequate healing and proper stimulation of hair growth by the platelet-rich plasma. 

Follow-Up Treatments 

PRP hair restoration typically entails an initial series of four to six treatments, with recommended maintenance of at least one annual touch-up session to sustain outcomes.  

Results and Maintenance 

The success rate of PRP injections in hair restoration fluctuates,  ranging from 70% to 90% for the average patient. One touch-up session per year is recommended for maintenance. 

Post-Treatment Care 

Avoid Touching or Washing the Scalp 

Avoid touching or washing your scalp for at least 24 hours. This can help to prevent irritation or infection and allow the growth factors to penetrate the hair follicles.  

Avoid Harsh Hair Products 

Once you’ve undergone PRP injections, proper post-treatment care is essential for optimal results. One factor to consider is your skincare routine. It’s important to avoid using harsh products that could irritate your skin and potentially interfere with the healing process. Instead, use gentle, non-abrasive products to cleanse and moisturize your skin.  

Sun Protection 

One crucial element of post-treatment care is getting proper sun protection. Since your skin is likely to be more sensitive after PRP therapy, prolonged sun exposure can lead to skin damage, hyperpigmentation, and other undesirable effects. Also, limit your time under the sun, wear protective clothing, and apply sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 during the day.  

Avoid Sweating 

After treatment, refrain from using saunas, steam rooms or engaging in vigorous exercise for a minimum of two days after treatment.  

Healthy Diet 

A healthy diet rich in nutrients can help boost your body’s natural ability to heal and recover. It can improve the effectiveness of PRP injections. Consuming fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains can provide essential vitamins and mineranerals. Avoiding processed foods and sugary drinks can help prevent inflammation, which can impede healing.  

Stay Hydrated 

PRP injections trigger a natural healing process that involves the body’s platelets, which rely on hydration to perform at their best. Drink plenty of fluids, especially water, which helps your body flush out toxins and replenish essential fluids lost during the treatment. Staying hydrated can also help reduce any discomfort you may experience post-treatment.  

Avoid Smoking and Alcohol 

Abstain from consuming alcohol, caffeine, and cigarettes for three days post-treatment. 

Who Can Benefit from PRP Hair Restoration? 

Individuals with Early Hair Loss 

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment is primarily recommended for individuals experiencing male or female pattern hair loss, particularly in the early stages. The timing of the treatment significantly impacts the outcomes, as early intervention yields superior results. It should be noted that patients with longstanding hair loss may not respond as favorably as those with less advanced patterns of hair loss. Stimulating inactive hair follicles that have remained dormant for an extended period can pose challenges. 

Postpartum Women 

PRP hair loss treatment is natural and free from harmful chemicals. It takes advantage of growth factors in your own blood, making it a safe option, even for postpartum moms. 

Individuals with Hair Thinning 

PRP hair restoration procedures offer significant benefits for individuals with thinning hair. These procedures can increase hair shaft thickness and stimulate the emergence of new hairs in the treated area. The application of growth factors has been scientifically proven to enhance hair growth, resulting in thicker, fuller hair with improved density. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is PRP hair restoration an effective treatment for hair loss?

PRP hair restoration typically involves an initial round of four to six treatments. To maintain results, at least one touch-up treatment per year is recommended. While the success rate of PRP injections for hair restoration varies, it generally ranges from 70% to 90% for the average patient. 

Who is a suitable candidate for PRP hair restoration?

If you have thinning hair, you may be an ideal candidate for hair restoration using PRP. However, PRP cannot fill in bald spots or be used on the scalp with open sores or lesions. Schedule a complimentary consultation to see if PRP for Hair Restoration is right for you. 

Are there any side effects associated with PRP hair restoration?

Platelet-rich plasma eliminates the chance of allergies or immune reactions since the plasma is derived from your own blood. Side effects and complications are exceedingly rare; minor discomfort at the injection site and minimal risk of infection may occur. 

How many sessions of PRP hair restoration are typically required?

PRP injections are usually performed monthly for three months, with additional treatments as needed to maintain results.  

What can I expect during a PRP hair restoration procedure?

During the treatment, a small amount of the patient’s blood is drawn and placed in a centrifuge, which separates the platelets containing growth factors from the rest of the blood components. The resulting PRP solution is then injected into the scalp, stimulating hair follicles to grow stronger, healthier, and thicker. The procedure is minimally invasive and typically takes less than an hour. 

Is the PRP hair restoration procedure painful? Is PRP hair restoration safe?

Extensive research has shown that this non-surgical procedure, which utilizes the patient’s own blood cells to stimulate hair regrowth, carries minimal risks. While minor redness, swelling, and a slight pinch during the injection may occur, serious complications are extremely rare. In summary, PRP hair restoration offers a promising, safe, and non-invasive option for those seeking hair restoration. 

How soon can I expect to see results after PRP hair restoration?

Although you will begin to see enhancements in hair texture within two weeks, including increased thickness of the hair shaft and growth of new hairs in the treated area, it typically takes three to six months to see measurable results. 

Are the results of PRP hair restoration permanent?

The results of PRP hair restoration are not permanent, but they are long-lasting, typically lasting from one to two years or more. 

Can PRP hair restoration be combined with other hair loss treatments?

PRP hair restoration can be combined with other treatments to enhance the results and provide a comprehensive approach to hair loss. These treatments may include preventative hair loss drugs and/or state-of-the-art procedures like Neograft for hair transplantation. By combining these treatments, patients can increase their chances of achieving their desired outcomes and enjoying a full, healthy head of hair. 

How do I prepare for a PRP hair restoration session?

To prepare for a PRP hair restoration session:  

– Avoid taking any blood-thinning medications, supplements, or herbs for at least a week before your procedure. 

– Refrain from using hair dyes or styling products on the day of your session. 

– Wash your hair the night before. 

Is there any downtime after a PRP hair restoration procedure?

While there may be some initial redness and swelling at the injection site, downtime after a PRP hair restoration procedure is minimal. Patients can typically return to their regular activities immediately after the procedure. However, it is advised to avoid any strenuous activities or excessive sweating for at least 48 hours following the treatment. This is to ensure that the scalp has time to heal and that the platelet-rich plasma is able to properly stimulate hair growth.  

Are there any restrictions or post-procedure care guidelines I should follow?

After undergoing PRP hair restoration treatment, it is recommended to refrain from using any hair products for at least six hours. Additionally, avoid saunas, steam rooms, vigorous exercise, direct exposure to sun and heat, as well as swimming for a minimum of two days post-treatment. Furthermore, it is recommended to abstain from alcohol, caffeine, and cigarettes for three days following the treatment. 

What are the benefits of PRP hair restoration compared to other hair loss treatments?

One of the major benefits of PRP hair restoration is that it doesn’t involve any harsh chemicals or medications that could cause unwanted side effects that other hair loss treatments do. As more and more people are turning to natural and holistic approaches to maintain their health and well-being, PRP treatment stands out as a hair restoration option that focuses on harnessing the body’s innate ability to heal itself. 

How soon can I wash my hair after undergoing PRP hair restoration?

It is generally advised to refrain from washing your hair for 24 hours after treatment. Afterward, use a pH balanced shampoo. 

Can PRP hair restoration improve hair density in addition to hair regrowth?

PRP, containing growth factors has been proven to enhance hair growth, resulting in thicker, fuller hair with increased density. 

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